On top of the images that follow, log on to our galleries to see more images of our Olympic animals!
Mammals of the Olympic Peninsula
Reptiles & Amphibians of the Olympic Peninsula
Birds of the Olympic Peninsula
Marine Invertebrates of the Olympic Peninsula

A beautiful River Otter enjoying some fresh Coho Salmon along the Hoh River in the fall.

A trio of River Otters cruising a small stream in the Hoh River valley.

Our very own River Otter surfing in the waters just off our bluff at Lake Farm.

A bull Roosevelt Elk in the Hoh River Valley.

Bull Roosevelt Elk
A bull Roosevelt Elk playing in the Hoh.

A couple young bulls in the Hoh.

A cow herd of Roosevelt Elk along the Hoh.

A young Columbia Black-tailed Deer in the Elwha Valley.

A very horny Bull Columbia Black-tailed Deer sniffing after a receptive female on Hurricane Ridge.

A spectacular bull Columbia Black-tailed Deer on Hurricane Ridge.

A Northwestern Coyote seen on a snowy day along the Dungeness River.

A Bobcat seen along the Hurricane Ridge Road (Photo Dean Childs)

A Bobcat kitten seen at Lake Farms (Photo John Warrick)

A Harbor Seal in Port Angeles Harbor.

An American Black Bear seen along the Hurricane Ridge road.

An American Black Bear seen along the Hurricane Ridge road.

A cute little Creeping Vole in the meadows of Lake Farm.

A Douglas Red Squirrel in the lowland forest of Crescent Lake.

A Common Deer Mouse scurrying for safety at Lake Farm.

A curious Mountain Beaver in its hole at Lake Farm.

Som with a curious Olympic Marmot on the trail to Obstruction Point.

An Olympic Marmot on Obstruction Point.

A curious Olympic Marmot! One of our many endemic species!

Our own resident Townsend's Chipmunk at Lake Farm.

An Olympic (Yellow Pine) Chipmunk on Hurricane Ridge.

A curious Northern Racoon in the Olympics.

A Northern Racoon at Lake Farm (Photo taken from my office window).

A California Sea Lion in Port Angeles Harbor.

Cokie releasing the second reintroduced Fisher in to the wilderness of Olympic National Park! (Fisher reintroduction link here)(Another good link)

A Fisher being freshly released in the Hoh Rainforest!

A Fisher bolting to freedom in the Elwha Valley.

This Fisher was released at the Whiskey Bend Trailhead on 21 December, 2009

This Fisher was released at the Whiskey Bend Trailhead on 21 December, 2009

Cokie releasing another Fisher on December 21 of 2009!

A Columbia Black-tailed Deer hanging out in front of our pad at Lake Farm!

A Columbia Black-tailed Deer on Hurricane Ridge.

Snowshoe Hare seen hiding under a log at the mouth of the Elwha.

The Olympic Peninsula has had an impressive fauna for thousands of years. This Mastadon tooth was found in the bluffs of Sequim.

This amazing Mastadon tusk can be seen eroding away on the eroded sides of our very own Lake Farm Bluffs!

Northwestern Tree Frog (Pacific Chorus Frog) seen in Lake Farm.

Northwestern Tree Frog (Pacific Chorus Frog) seen in Lake Farm.

Roughed Skinned Newt seen along the Lake Farm trails.

A Northern Alligator Lizard seen along the Elwha River. This is the only lizard species on the entire peninsula!

Columbia Gartersnake seen on the Lake Farm trails.

A Northwester Garter Snake (Thamnophis ordinoides) seen along the road in the Dungeness watershed backcountry.
Mammals of the Olympic Peninsula
Reptiles & Amphibians of the Olympic Peninsula
Birds of the Olympic Peninsula
Marine Invertebrates of the Olympic Peninsula