We were very pleased to make the coverpage of one of the more prestigious journals in science - Evolutionary Biology!
By now hundreds of our images have been published. Our images have been featured in over ten books, dozens of magazines and news papers and countless websites. Here is our portfolio of some of our published images.
Books Featuring Our Images
Magazines & Newspapers Featuring Our Images and Articles

Cover page for the Journal of Primatology!

Cover Page of Science Magazine! Yes! (Link to Article)
More on the Cover Page

Touchstone Magazine, Bangkok Thailand

We made the cover page of the EAGLE in Shanghai!

Feature article in the EAGLE, Shanghai

Our Green Peafowl images were featured in WPA's annual review addition
Newspapers Featuring our Images and Articles

We made the New York Post!

We made the Telegraph UK!

Sequim Gazette loved Som!

More Som in the Sequim Gazette

Loved this one in the Gazette!

The Gazetted featured our images, this one of Cokie, of the release of the Fishers back in to Olympic National Park.

Bangkok Post featuring our image of a Fea's Muntjac in one of Bruce Kekule's articles.

PDN Article featuring our images and our expeditions.

Cokie and his Chameleon in the Gazette.

I have no idea how many times this image has been published over the years all over the world.

Goofy kids taken in Madagascar.

Our lemur ball!


In Washington, our images were regularly featured in many of the region's newspapers. Here are a few samples.

Sequim Gazette

Sequim Gazette

Strait Scene

Strait Scene

Strait Scene

Strait Scene

Strait Scenes

Strait Scenes

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Yours Truly on Evolution...

Fisher Release in Olympic National Park!

Sequim Gazette!

Not my picture obviously, but this one made the AP wire and was seen worldwide. Friends from Europe and Japan contacted me telling me they were seeing my face on their local papers! Funny...
Websites Featuring Our Images

The Nature Conservancy featured our images and expedition in one of their online articles.

All About Wildlife like our Northern Sportive Lemur image from northern Madagascar!

The Italian Journal Animale Salbatice publish our images of the Tufted Deer in a recent article as well.

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) published many of our images taken in the Catalina Islands, California.

LiMPETS, an organization associated with NOAA used many of our images for their educational websites.



Journal of Primatology!

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

The popular website Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World published many of our images.

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Where to Watch Birds and Other Wildlife in the World

Funny Pictures liked this picture of me kissing a Gray Whale. Too bad they never asked permission to publish it....

Conservation page with our images of the fisher.

Another one of our images the released Fishers.

Safari Limited stole one of our images of a Bearded Pig from Borneo

TibetanPlateau.org took some of our images of birds of Qinghai...

A poached image of our Olympic Yellow-pine Chipmunk!

Never heard of this website but they have our Sportive Lemur image!

Tunza wrote up some information about Asian Swiftlets, using our images.

EAGLE Online from Shanghai China's write up about our field courses in Shanghai.

Taenos.com, a website on rare bird sightings, took one of our images of a reed warbler...

Arkive has also used our images on occassion.

The US National Park Service has published our images as well.

Another NPS publication featuring our images!

Photobucket picture thieves!

WorldBirds took one of our images of a rare bird from Madagascar

My good buddy, Bruce Kekule featured one of our images of a Fea's Muntjac in some of his publications.

Another of our images in Bruce's site.

Nepal's National Parks Page (the Woolly Hare)

Some Vietnamese website on Leopard Cats (our image was poached!)

Kid's Corner liked our Bear Cuscus shot....

Kompas, and Indonesian news site, stole our image of the Moon

Listnbest stole our image of Mount Speke, Uganda!

Endangered Species International liked our Diadamend Sifaka

Sciency Thoughts did an article about our Przewalski's Gazelles from Qinghai, China.

Shaggygod like our image of the Kuril Island Brown Bear fishing in Russia's Kuril Islands.

Oregon Live published our images about the Fisher Release.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife used a lot of our images on the Fisher Release.

Washington Department of Wildlife

Washington Department of Wildlife

Washington Department of Wildlife

EagleOnline featuring our images and story about field work in eastern China.

ImageJuicy.com featuring our poached images of Som's cooking!

North Pole Voyages took some of our Commander Island images for their website!

I have no idea why Scoop.It wanted this image....

I hate this image!