Classroom Syllabus
EDU 303
Multicultural Education
3 Credit Hours
Effective: January, 2005
Required Text: Diaz, C. (2001). Multicultural education in the 21st century. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman.
Optional Text: Tiedt, P., & Tiedt, I. (2002). Multicultural teaching: A handbook of activities, information, and resources (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Washington State Commission on Student Learning. (2002). Essential academic learning requirements: Technical manual. Olympia, WA: Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Access to a personal computer and the Internet is required. All written assignments must be word-processed.
Copyright 2002-2005 by City University
EDU 303
Multicultural Education
This document provides an overview of the course foundation elements, assignments, schedules, and activities. For information about general City University policies, please see the City University catalog. If you have additional questions about the course, please contact your instructor.
Notification to Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and you require course adaptations or accommodations, please contact the Affirmative Action Coordinator in the Disability Resource Office as soon as possible. You may also contact your instructor or advisor for assistance.
Scholastic Honesty
Students are responsible for understanding City University’s policy on Scholastic Honesty and are required to adhere to its standards in meeting all course requirements. Violations of the policy include, among other practices:
- Cheating;
- Plagiarizing;
- Submitting substantially the same work for two different courses without prior permission from the instructors;
- Collaborating on assignments without prior permission of the instructor;
- Submitting papers written wholly or partly by someone else;
- Helping someone else commit an act of scholastic dishonesty.
Common violations are copying from someone else’s test paper, using unauthorized books or notes during a test, and using previously published material without clear citations to identify the source. Cases of suspected scholastic dishonesty are referred to the University Scholastic Honesty Board, which can apply a variety of penalties ranging in severity, including assigning a zero grade for the course, suspension, and dismissal from the University. In cases of suspected violations, a paper may be submitted to an online service that checks the content of the paper against a database of source material. The submitted paper may be added to a permanent archive.
For more complete information, students should read the section on Scholastic Honesty (under the heading of Student Rights and Responsibilities) in the University catalog, available in print or online at When in doubt about applications to a particular course or situation, students should ask the instructor for guidance.
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the diversity of the American school population and the concepts, theories, and strategies that constitute multicultural education. Participants explore how children from diverse backgrounds construct knowledge within the contexts of their own sociocultural backgrounds, and how such diversity affects how they are perceived in the classroom. Such issues as equity, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, language, disability, and other special circumstances are explored within this constructivist framework. Based on course content and new knowledge, course participants develop perspectives on diversity and a frame of reference for providing equitable opportunities for all students to learn and succeed in schools and society.
Overview of Course Activities and Grading
This course utilizes as variety of methods and activities to accommodate participants’ differing learning styles. These activities include: inquiry and class discussions, use of computer technology, small group activities, lesson planning, micro-teaching, and critical thinking activities. You are expected to inquire, reflect, and be actively engaged in constructing new knowledge.
The grade you receive for the course will be derived using City University’s decimal grading system, based on the following:
Attendance and Participation
Reflective Papers (two equally weighted)
Culture Report
Micro-Teaching Lesson
Please see the current City University catalog or consult your instructor for guidance in determining your decimal grade.
Work Quality
Writing clear and error-free English is a priority, as are clear explanations. Projects and papers must be word-processed. Please use a spell-checker and accurate proof-reading to ensure that work is error-free. Please use a 10- or 12-point font and either 1.5 or double spacing. Margins should be at least one inch on all sides of the page. Use only one side of the paper. Use APA standards for documentation and/or presentation.
Explanation of Assignments and Grading
Attendance and Participation
Class attendance and participation are integral components of this course. Class participation expands the participant’s knowledge and ability to implement strategies learned in the course. Thus, it is essential that you attend class, read the materials assigned, and participate actively in class activities or discussions. You cannot earn participation points or receive credit for in-class activities if you are absent. Class participation points cannot be made up. All assignments must be submitted on time for full credit. As a prospective teacher, you are expected to demonstrate a commitment to professionalism through regular attendance and participation. In addition, this course is a foundation course, and the concepts acquired here will carry over to other courses.
Reflective Papers
You will complete two reflective papers on topics related to text readings and in-class activities. After a brief summary of the assigned material, you must carefully consider and critically discuss the following questions:
1) What important concepts did I learn or discover from this material?
2) What have I learned about teaching or education from this material?
3) How may I apply this information to my own classroom practices?
4) What more would I like to know about this topic/area?
The broad topics for these three papers are: teaching multiculturally, accommodating individual differences, and language diversity. You papers are to be 5-7 pages typed and double spaced. You must adhere to the work quality standards.
Grading Criteria for Reflective Papers
Clear understanding of major issues involved expressed in summary
Appropriate synthesis or evaluation of concepts relevant to own practices
Appropriate analysis of applications to own classroom
Appropriate use of terms, concepts, generalizations, examples and applications from texts, lectures, and other course materials
Clear reflection about need for further learning
Application of APA style, spelling, and grammar
Micro-Teaching Lesson
Individually, or as part of a small group, you will research a specific teaching strategy related to multicultural education and teaching diverse learners. You will teach your lesson to classmates. The lesson will be planned following the standard lesson plan format for the BA in Education program. Topics will pertain to the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) and the customary curriculum of public Washington State elementary schools. Classmates and the instructor will give presenting students feedback on their lesson and its presentation. Presenting students must utilize this feedback, together with their personal assessment, to reflect on the success of the lesson. Summary documents will be submitted to the instructor for evaluation. These documents include a written copy of the lesson plan (in standard format), summary of the small group feedback with evaluation rubrics, and a personal reflection. More detailed instructions, along with an evaluation rubric, will be provided by the course instructor.
Grading Criteria for Micro-Teaching Lesson
Implementation of teaching strategy according to research and lesson plan
Effectiveness of accommodation for diverse learners
In-depth description of small group feedback including analysis of evaluation rubrics
In-depth analysis of lesson for effective teacher behaviors, alignment with expected outcomes, strengths, and areas of improvement
Quality assessment of group processes, including leadership and support
Cultural Report
In groups of two you will create a presentation of a culture of your choice. The culture can be one of geographic, sociological or economic origins. In your presentation, you will discuss the basic the religion, belief systems, origins, languages, major points of interest and ways of seeing the world. Ideally your culture choice should be on that has immigrated to America and is present to some degree in American public schools. With this in mind you will also discuss how your culture choice has assimilated in to American culture and society and the problems they have faced in this process. You will also discuss important points that you must consider when instructing students of this culture. If you select a culture that is not represented in American public schools (as hard as this would be to find…), you are expected to theorize on these issues. Your talk will be no more than 30 minutes in length including questions. Handouts will be useful.
Grading Criteria for Cultural
In depth presentation covering the areas specified above
Effective presentation visual aids
Ability to handle questions that require info beyond the talk
Topics and Assignments
April 12
Introductions, expectations, syllabus overview, course requirements
Topic: Educating children in a multicultural society
April 19
Topic: Teaching multiculturally and individual differences
Diaz, pp 1-70
April 26
Topic: Gender effects and immigrant students
DUE: Reflection Paper #1
Diaz, pp 71-108
May 3
Topic: Language Diversity, multicultural education and special education
Diaz, pp 109-119, 137-170
May 10
Topic: Assessment and diversity, and becoming a cross cultural teacher
Diaz, pp 120-136, 171-225
May 17
Topic: Micro-teaching
DUE: Reflection Paper #2
May 24
Topic: Micro-teaching
May 31
Topic: Cultural Reports
June 7
Topic: Cultural Experience!
Due: Core Competency Reflection Paper