An Eastern Gray Squirrel spying on us at Morton Arboretum
Our swan song for our lives in the states was a visit to northern Illinois for a fantastic family reunion, the high point of which was seeing my father sing his last Beethoven concert with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. June 18-25, 2010 was spent also exploring some more of DuPage County’s phenomenal prairie woodland plant community. During our explorations we visited McKee and Lincoln Marshes where we had some very good luck with birds (with several lifers!) and even some mammals (with two lifers!).
CLICK HERE for more images of our trip to Northern Illinois Prairie Woodland Community
To see images from another one of our trips to the Northern Illinois Prairie Woodlands...

The sites visited were mainly a mosaic of hickory-oak woodlands, northern prairies and wetlands.

Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida) were still blooming during our visit in the early summer of 2010!

Prairie Coreopsis (Coreopsis palmata) were will filling the prairie this time of year!

And interesting cloud formation over McKee Marsh, Illinois

Canada Geese in McKee Marsh
The Critters of the Northern Prairie Woodlands!

Eastern Fox Squirrel at Morton Arboretum

Eastern Fox Squirrel

Eastern Chipmunk seen in Wheaton's Lincoln Marsh

The ubiquitous Eastern Cottontail Rabbit seen nearly everywhere!

Sorex hoyi (Pygmy Shrew) seen along the trail at the McKee Marsh

White-footed Deer Mice (Peromyscus leucopus) were common under debris at McKee Marsh

A House Wren at Morton Arboretum

Downy Woodpecker at McKee Marsh

Baltimore Oriole seen at McKee Marsh

Blue Jays are making a come back! This immature was seen during our hike at McKee Marsh.

Gray Catbirds were a common sight at McKee Marsh

An American Goldfinch at McKee Marsh

A Common Yellowthroat at Lincoln Marsh

My first Bobolink! This one was seen at McKee Marsh
CLICK HERE for more images of our trip to Northern Illinois Prairie Woodland Community
To see images from another one of our trips to the Northern Illinois Prairie Woodlands...
Mammal List for Illinois Prairie Woodland Trip
Gray Squirrel
Eastern Chipmunk
Eastern Fox Squirrel
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
Pygmy Shrew (Sorex hoyi)
White-footed Deer Mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)
Bird List for Illinois Prairie Woodland Trip
- Canada Goose 16
- Mute Swan 1
- Wood Duck
- Mallard
- American Wigeon
- Pied-billed Grebe 2
- Double-crested Cormorant 4
- Great Blue Heron 2
- Great Egret 1
10. Ring-billed Gull 1
11. Mourning Dove
12. Rock Pigeon
13. Chimney Swift X *
14. Red-bellied Woodpecker 4
15. Downy Woodpecker
16. Hairy Woodpecker
17. Northern Flicker X
18. Eastern Phoebe
19. Eastern Kingbird
20. Blue Jay 3
21. Tree Swallow 24
22. Barn Swallow 2
23. Black-capped Chickadee 6
24. White-breasted Nuthatch 5
25. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X **
26. Eastern Bluebird 1
27. American Robin X
28. Gray Catbird 4
29. Brown Thrasher 1**
30. Cedar Waxwing X
31. Yellow Warbler 12
32. Common Yellowthroat
33. Song Sparrow
34. Chipping Sparrow
35. House Wren
36. Northern Cardinal 3
37. Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3**
38. Indigo Bunting 2**
39. Bobolink 4**
40. Red-winged Blackbird X
41. Eastern Meadowlark 4
42. Common Grackle X
43. Brown-headed Cowbird X
44. Baltimore Oriole 2**
45. American Goldfinch X
46. House Sparrow X

The ENTIRE Pitts clan during our reunion of June 2010!

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Choir playing Beethoven's 9th Symphony - my pop's last performance!