Luxor Temple at night. Wow!
Who on earth would not want to travel to Egypt!? Me! That's who! Well, at least that is how I felt for a good deal of my travel career. Egypt really never made my radar screen as far as gotta-get-to destinations go.
But then in the winter of 2003, I got the travel itch. (I usually start to get cabin fever during this period of time every year. Winter is when a major chunk of my trips are planned). Then one night I was surfing the net and came across a page on Egypt by chance. The next thing I knew, I was booking flights to Egypt for a two week program that would take us to many of the most famous sites in this amazing country!
After our trip, Som and I were very happy that we decided to spend a couple weeks in Egypt. We never tired of visiting and learning about the ruins and temples. We both loved the desert scenery of the Sahara and the northern Sudan. We both became very disillusioned with the extremely agressive nature of the Egyptians however. In fact, we became pretty jaded and bitter about our endless negative interactions with the Egyptians we met throughout the tour.
Well, we felt this way until we actually got off the beaten tourist path. Once we were able to shake our full-time body guard and police shadow (we were in Egypt soon after 911 and the Egyptians were not about to have a dead American on their hands, so we were evidently assigned a secret police "shadow" for our stay in the big towns! This actually became pretty extreme when our "shadow" would literally stop FOUR lanes of traffic for us in order for us to safely cross any road we wanted. If anyone came too close to us he would scold them....fascinating!). Well, anyway, once we were able to shake our "shadow" and get in to the markets to see the everyday Egyptians, we found that they weren't so bad afterall. The people associated with the tourist industry however were absolutely horrible.
Our program involved the normal destinations like Luxor, Memphis, Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Giza, Abu Simbel and many others. We loved the three night cruise of the nile as well.
Be sure to visit our other Photo Galleries for more spectacular images of our travels! (Pbase Galleries)
Here are some images of our expedition to Egypt.